Helping Wigo4it develop Innovation and Human Centricity competencies


Wigo4it is a cooperative that works on IT solutions that support citizens and municipalities in providing social benefits and care, and in increasing social participation with work. As part of the UX Strategy I established in the organization (more information can be found following this link) I coordinate and lead initiatives within the organization in order to increase customer and user-centricity and to develop an innovative and entrepreneurial culture.

Approach and tasks

  • Coaching UX Designers and UX Guild members spread across teams
  • UX process and tools, including hardware and software standards
  • Establishing proactive and healthy UX rituals (Design Thinking workshops, Ideation workshops, Design Critiques, User Testing, Team retros).
  • Organizing and enabling employees to participate in UX research, including observations of the help desk of the municipalities, the work places of civil servants in the social services and user testing.
  • Responsible for hiring and for (content) management of UX Researchers and Designers. Budget manager.


  • Temporary increase of customer centricity perception in employee engagement measurements.
  • Continuity and focus on UX and innovation in the organisation, through consistent and persistent interactions and team building (UX Guild, Innovation Team, and other employees of the organization).
  • Dashboards and visualizations on characteristics of target groups, and client engagement data, to be used as input in customer research and to guide product development and design.
  • Income services roadmap challenged from the perspective of users through customer journey analysis.
  • Framework to involve all employees in innovation and user experience journeys (Learning by Doing).
  • User Insights Bank: a place where all research and knowledge of user groups, and product experience is stored and shared internally. The bank includes for example access to all personas, journeys and results of client and user research.