Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
The Netherlands, September 2014.
Track Human Centered Multimedia, University of Amsterdam (UvA).
The Netherlands, August 2012.
National University of the Littoral (UNL).
Argentina, December 2008.
SENIOR UX DESIGNER Exact Business Software.
Delft, The Netherlands. October 2014 (3 years - ongoing).
UX & UI DESIGNER ISM e-Commerce, Sana Commerce.
Rotterdam, The Netherlands. February 2014 (7 months).
DESIGNER Department of Environment & Distance Education
FICH, UNL. Santa Fe, Argentina. 2008 - 2011 (3 years).
VISUAL DESIGNER Communication Office
Extension and Technological Transfer Department, FICH.
Santa Fe, Argentina. 2007 - 2011 (4 years).
Design Thinking and research for empathy. UX Research Meetup, October 2017, Delft, The Netherlands.
Climbing the mountain: Maturing UX in a corporate environment. Carina Palumbo and Muray Akyol. UXCampAMS17, April 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Check out the spotlight interview.
Climbing the mountain. Carina Palumbo and Joline Boschman. Ladies that UX, March 2017, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Designing emotional experiences for a B2B product. Carina Palumbo and Anette Hiltunen, UXCampAMS16, September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Developing Design Thinking capabilities of a well-established IT company. Daanen, Emma; Palumbo, Carina; Calabretta, Giulia; Cankurtaran, Pinar. Proceedings of the Academic Design Management Conference. Exact and Delft University of Technology. London, UK ©2018.
User-centered design of a lamp customization tool. Perusquía-Hernandez, M., Kriening, H., Palumbo, A.C. and Wajda, B. Proceedings of the 5th Augmented Human International Conference. New York, NY, USA ©2014.
User information needs for environmental opinion-forming and decision-making in link-enriched video. Palumbo, A.C and Hardman, L. EuroITV ‘13, Proceedings of the 11th european conference on Interactive TV and video. Pages 85-88 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2013.
Collaborative e-Portfolio for teachers and tutors from the FICH, UNL (in Spanish). Giorgetti, C., Palumbo, A.C., Bas, N. Proceedings of the MoodleMootUy 2011, Latinamerican Conference, Uruguay, 2011.