
USI, TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands - 2012

Keeping plants at home not only serves an esthetical goal, it also helps clean the air of the room and can improve people’s health. However, many people lack knowledge on or forget about their plant’s maintenance. Therefore, we conducted a study to examine how we can help people in taking better care of their plants at home. We conducted focus groups, contextual interviews and expert interviews. We developed iPlants: a mobile application that allows users to recognize their plants and registers them in their iGarden. Moreover, it notifies iPlants users when they need to take care of their plant(s), in terms of watering, fertilizing, light, and pot. Low and high-fi prototypes of the application were tested.

Team: Willem Fabritius, Carina Palumbo, Indre Kalinauskaite, Carmen van der Zwaluw and Hella Kriening